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Event – Annual Black & Gold Scholarship Ball, partnered with Mu Chi Lambda Chapter (Rock Island, IL) of Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, Inc.
Raise scholarship money for graduating high school seniors in the Quad Cities
Recognize individuals, or groups, in the Quad Cities that align and emulate with the mission of the Twin Torch Foundation, Inc.
Showcase the work Twin Torch Foundation, Inc. is doing to serve the Quad Cities community
Recognize the outstanding Mu Chi Lambda Chapter member of the year
Mentoring and Leadership

Event – Annual Father & Son Breakfast, partnered with Rock Island School District and other local area sponsors
Breakfast event which brings together minority male youth, ages 6 to 16, and their fathers, father figures or guardians with other youth in the community to fellowship in a safe environment and hear discussions on a variety of topics
Expose minority male youth to STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Math) related fields with hands on science experiments presented by local university professors
Stress the importance of going to school through Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, Inc. “Go to High School Go to College” initiative
Prizes awarded to all participants at the conclusion of the event, including bicycles and other give-a-ways.
Event – Project Alpha, partnered with Mu Chi Lambda Chapter of Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, Inc.
Workshop brings together male youth, ages 13 to 18, to discuss a variety of key topics.
Event typically occurs on a Saturday from 8am to 1pm and includes breakfast, lunch and guest speakers from the community
Topics include:
Responsibility, Respect and the Role of Males in Relationships
Adolescent Pregnancy and Fatherhood
Protecting Yourself and Your Partner
Sexually Transmitted Diseases
Intimate Violence in Relationships
Event – Boys 2 Men Leadership Workshop Series, partnered with Big Brothers Big Brothers Big Sisters (BBBS) of the Mississippi Valley
Program targets up to 50 minority youth males, ages 8 to 16, per cluster
Each youth is partnered with a BBBS mentor
Program is 6 months in length with one meeting each month
Session last 4 hours in duration and cover a wide variety of topics, that are critical to male minority youth
Each session will end with lunch and a guest speaker representing the company that the event is hosted at
Concludes with completing a community service project
Community Outreach and Advocacy

Event – Voter Advocacy, partnered with Mu Chi Lambda Chapter of Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, Inc. and their “Voteless People is a Hopeless People” Program
Purpose – Three (3) key pillars of this initiative include:
Voter Education
Voter Registration
Voter Access – ensuring voters know where their voting polls stations are located, providing transportation to those locations, ensuring access to absentee ballots, etc.
Event – Thanksgiving Food Basket Community Outreach, partnered with Mu Chi Lambda Chapter of Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, Inc.
Purpose – provide Thanksgiving dinners to 50 families in the Quad Cities. The foundation will partner with local agencies and churches to identify these families and have dinners delivered to them the week of Thanksgiving.
Event – Christmas Adopt-A-Family Community Outreach, partnered with Mu Chi Lambda Chapter of Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, Inc.
Purpose – adopt 50 families in the Quad Cities. The foundation will partner with local agencies and churches to identify these families and provide them with gifts and food the week of Christmas.